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[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] No vulgarities
[#o5] Leave if you're unhappy

The Girl

Clare' aka Clarice (欣阳)
` ChongFu Pri Sch
` Canberra Sec Sch
` 1e4'o5 <3
` 2e4'o6 <3
` 3e1'o7
` 4e1'o8
` Scorpio
` Female(Of course)
` Fan Tong xD
` "Mother" of 4 "adopted" daughters =X
` NPCC Cadet
` NPCC Senior NCO
` Just me :)

God ♥♥♥
Animals =3
The Verdict

<2nd Blog
<Canberra NPCC Blog
<FAITHangelx website
<YJC CTG 111
Chin Chang
HuiYing(Group 3 ATC)
Ian Wong (Aplha)
Peng Hui
|| ShaWn ||
Thamhin[blog 1]
Thamhin[blog 2]


Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the pics farhana took in batam. just got them today lol.:

cheers ppl!

farmer's daughter? o.o

the girls at the dinner table right beside the pool.

i look as if im gonna fall aslpp anytime lol.

us at the lobby.

i look as if im wearing sun glasses o.O

lobby lobby.

sharizal and err frenz? =x

still got somemore la budden i lazy post them lol.

the pics abit messy la. ps abt tt =x

Sunday, March 18, 2007

woots bak frm batam!!
finally lol.
i just got 2 husbands and 1 bf lolz i will explain all these later on in my post =x
first thing went to sch to meet den take the bus to harbour front to take the ferry to batam lol.
den after tt we check in sijori resort and leave all our stuffs there.
den we dressed into our appropriate attire to go...FARMING! xD
we took a small bus to the farm.
on the way there we took pictures and all tt.
the guys and some of us were making tons of noise in the bus until maybe the uncle canot tahan den drove faster so as to quickly shut us up =x
it took a veri long time b4 we reached the farm lor.
we tok tok ,take pics, slp and blah blah still haven reach =/
by the time we reached the farm we were all like hungry ghosts.
lol we ate our lunch first den explore the farm abit here and there.
when we were in the shed the Shanon or how u spell his name go intro himself lol.
the way he introduced himself was erm...funny? o.O
anyways, ms tay was bz cooking =x
after exploring and all tt the farmer taught us how to farm.
it was a realli fun experience onli tt the place smelled like..the zoo?
lol i suspect tt the fertilisers used were dung =x
after farming the farmer took us around the farm and told us some stuff abt the place.
u noe introducing stuff, showing us his home and all tt lol.
after the whole thingy we said ty to the farmer in malay lol den board the bus and then head bak to the resort to get some rest and to get rdy for dinner.
we took dinner at a restaurent in a hotel lol.
the food was like so dam nice.
once again we were like hungry ghosts eating wadever we saw lol.
the manager is frendly lol.
we troubled him alot wif all those askin for more of this and tt(food of course), spilling water here and there lol.
but still he is kind enuff to like errr u noe , make us comfortable and all tt.
the scenery frm the hotel was like so nice lor.
oh and btw joel always like to take food frm our table der lol.
greedy pig.. oops?
lol anyways,
after the dinner we went to a shop to buy some stuff for us to eat (chips and stuff) and then we went for our night walk.
it was like the best night walk i ever had for any camps lol.
so dam freakishly dark lor.
sahil,siti(sec 4),rizuwan and me were the 1st grp lol.
so of course we were the one hu started first la.
we walk and walk.
the motorcyclist dangerous sia .
abit more can hit us like liao lol.
and sahil was like walkin so fast.
so we just folo him lor.
got some places wif completely no one at all lol.
just us and nature =/
i was like afraid tt while we were walking somethin will suddenly come -.- (if u noe wad i mean lol)
sahil leader lalalalalalala so wadever thing wld be he kana first .
den me well coz im right behind him den siti and then rizuwan.
after the walk we gathered at the meeting point and started walkin for like duno how long den we boarded the bus bak to the resort.
we had briefing and then we went to our room.
diyana,lihong,siti and me were like eating all the way wif all those chocolates,chips and stuff. after tt we watched tv blah blah.
took a bath,
den me and diyana crapped till we were dead tired and fell asleep lol.
at the starting part of the day diyana was like complaining abt the air con and our fridge lol.
den when they fix and adjust ler den the air con suddenly make the room so cold and we were like freezing.
we both wore jackets but still felt cold.
we were like curling up at one corner of the bed lol.
den diyana woke me up and asked me y didnt we just go underneath the blanket.
i was like 'ya hor'.
budden was afraid tt there wld be somethin underneath the blanket la lol. had a gd slp.
first thing in the morning,
i felt ppl touching my feet.
i was like tinking 'hu on earth is touchin my feet first thing in the morn -.-'
den it turned out to be siti.
she woke us up and we got rdy for the day.
had breakfast at the lobby.
ate alot of food like eggs and such lol.
while eating lihong go do some thingy to the glass cup and there was a ermm tune? lol.
the guys tried to do it budden most of them failed la.
i myself cant do it lol.
we went to the orphanage to of course visit the orphans.
but we went to the sch first den played wif some of them,chit chat wif some of them and so on.
ohoh and we played some games wif them.
like passing the message thingy.
i introduced my name in malay
some of the girls know english so its easier for us to communicate lol.
the message thingy hor was abit hard for lihong and me la lol.
so everytime the message is in malay,
the message wld always be stuck at either my side or lihong's.
we gave them gifts and all tt.
took pics wif a few of them lol.
their table was like filled wif so many drawings lor.
somemore so nice lol.
and once i entered the classroom got one guy kip on taking pictures of me using his hp -.-
anyways at the sch got girls wan shareezal der number sia.
they abit despo =x
so despo until can drag shareezal just to get his number lol.
one of the girls even called him her 'love' or somethin lor.
oh my toot lol.
we had lunch at the sch den we took the gifts ms tay and some teachers bought using our money we donated and gave to the orphans at the orphanage.
they were like so cute lor.
the guys played soccer wif them.
the little boys actually thrashed them =x
after the whole thing they took the bus while SOME of us took the car which was realli stuffy lol. we went to the go-cart centre thingy place.
now this is where i start explaining my husband and bf thing lol.
me and the girls took the go-cart and played wif it la.
drive here and there.
speeding here and there.
den at the final lap,
i crashed =x
diyana crashed into siti's go-cart and cld have injured her coz she was abt to get out of her go-cart and i still stepped onto the speed thingy when im suppose to stop -.-
i was dreamin la lol.
i almost cost a uncle's leg =x
i banged into lihong's go-cart and my one went like slanted der lol.
right after the whole incident i didnt noe i was injured sia.
onli after reaching the resort and suddenly feeling a painful part of my butt and my knee.
the worse one was my knee lol.
tmr when i go to sch sure stare at my 'husband' der.
i noe he handsome la =x
lol my 'bf' hidden la so cannot see.
we had dinner at the resort.
a bbq dinner.
and we were like enjoying the food there.
especially the potato salad lol.
and diyana finally mastered the glass sound thingy while eating lol.
oh oh and siti,joel, diyana and some other ppl tried the chili which was like not even the size of my pinky and were like running around for water already lol.
joel abit sot der.
ate 3 pieces but still nv feel anything one.
but in the end he still took some water to drink and to 'neutralise' the spiciness =x
we ate finish and all tt den suddenly mr yong go to the 'stage' and asked where was farhana.
farhana was still dreaming la lol.
den we inform her and she went to the stage and we all were like wondering wad was goin on. den suddenly a cake came comin in and farhana was like shocked.
mr yong tok tok sing sing den farhana said a few words ,
thanking auntie Lilian or wadever her name is and so on and so forth.
me and diyana hugged her when she came bak.
den auntie Lilian gave her the bdae cake to eat. den after awhile diyana got her cake.
sabastian foo gave me a cake and it was the last one o.O
i dun feel like eating but since he giv to me so i eat lor .
thx sabastian for the cake(which was the last piece)!
after the whole thing we had briefing at the hall.
we each voiced out our opinions and zaphir's one was the most touching one la lol.
heard was he said and my tears almost came out.
he tok abt the orphans until so u noe..touching?
lol.. even hamymah cried while toking abt the orphans and such.
we went bak to our rooms and i was dead tired so i fell asleep in lihong and siti's room o.o
so in the end diyana and lihong slept together in the other room.
first thing in the morn,
hamymah went ringing on our door bell like mad and i got a little irritated coz i dun like ppl disturbing me frm my slp =x
just got out of my bed and went to open the door.
den hamymah actually just wanted to check whether we were awake and rdy.
but obviously we werent lol.
hamymah,ain and farhana did all the wash up and did wadever things ler lor.
we were still sleeping like pigs =x
well since i got out of bed liao might as well start packing my things and all tt.
lihong and diyana were still slping.
me and siti were awake liao.
siti did hw until she fell asleep o.o
den wake up liao still continue to do hw lol.
did all the wash up thing then help siti wif her hw.
did not wan to wake diyana and lihong up coz its still early and they were like still sleeping so soundly lol.
but still i woke them up due to the massive amt of zipping i did =x
we went down for breakfast at the lobby.
as usual,
i took a cup of tea and some sausages and stuff to eat for breakfast.
did not take as much food as the day b4 der breakfast lol.
and i finally managed to make tt sound sound thingy wif the glass cup lol.
mr tan was like staring at me coz i got addicted to it right after managing to make tt sound thingy lol.
some of the guys , diyana and lihong were like confusing mr tan lol.
sometimes the guys make the sound den mr tan look he oso cannot find hu was the one doin it coz so many of us were like just playing around.
after taking breakfast we took our stuff and got rdy to check out of the resort.
we were suppose to be at the lobby by 9.45 am batam time but we were late coz most of us were slping when we got bak frm breakfast lol.
we boarded the bus wif our new tour guide, kelvin, and went to some shops to just look look around and buy things if we wanted to.
and i met my 2nd bf while taking my things frm my bag -.-
i accidentally knock onto the bus wif my head sia.
hello boyfriend -.-
the tour guide had alot of grammer mistakes =x
i mean make grammer mistakes ok la budden saying like ,'...singapore has been encouraging couples to give bird'
the bird is actually suppose to be birth lol.
me and diyana were laughing our heads out when we heard tt =x
after all tt we went to the mega mall and tts when we start shopping like mad.
we were like given 3 hrs nia.
not enuff =x
i wanted to buy a shirt at one shop der budden no time -.-
after shopping we took the bus to the er ferry terminal?
den we took some pics while waiting for the ferry to arrive.
comparing passport pics and all tt lol.
ms tay says leon looks like a baby monkey in the photo lolz.
more like a retarded monkey =x
after all tt we board the ferry and headed bak to sg.
during the ride i had headaches here and there lol.
den got one part the wave was like so big until the ferry went up and down and it felt like everything inside me was gonna come out lol.
we looked at the pics mr tan and huever took.
chai huat abit bian tai la.
kip on zooming in and out of the ppl's mouth in the pic -.-
while browsing thru wad mr tan took ,
the batt went out -.-
when we finally reached sg we took our stuff and went to do some scanning of the passport den boarded the bus to go bak home.
on the bus ride we had a little fun.
joel was abit horny, too horny and reezal happen to be the one beside him.
joel innocent? AHEM
shanon and rizuwan go say somethin on behalf of the sch and such.
sahil canot stop hiting my chair la.
smack him.
onli when i goin to reach yishun to get down the bus den sabastian foo start hiting my chair.
smack the both of them lol.
when we were reaching yishun ler,
zaphir go say bye to the CIs and the rest were like sound effect the 'sir' part lol.
den the guys go say bye to shanon funny la.
chai huat say 'bye bangla brother' or somethin
den derick say 'see u at the construction site downstairs my house' or somethin and so on.
after all tt,
went bak home and packed all my stuff ,post this thingy and then slept lol.
i wan go bak batam again!! =/

Note: sleepy la. typed this right after coming bak frm home batam(lols home -.-). so of course tired la. dun mind the typos , grammer mistakes and craps i typed in which sometimes doesnt make sense at all lol.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i have not been posting anything for like...1 mth? =x
sry lah ._.
i lazy post ma lols
+ was bz studying for the CA
but although i studied i still tink i wld flunk at all the tests xD
especially physics ._.
i studied the wrong sub on the wrong day sia =.=
i tot e maths on tues den i go study e maths like duno wad den on tues when i arrive in sch farhana told me tt there is no test on E-maths today but there is a test on physics.
i was like panickin at tt moment lol.
den was like studying wad ever i cld b4 the test started o.o
ss a 100% fail lol
the rest is either just pass or borderline passes.
anyways these are the results for the mini-tests i took in the mth, feb:

Social Studies: 19/30 B4
chemistry formula quiz 1: 21/21 A1
physics pop quiz: 31/40 A1
chinese compo: 40/50 A1
e-maths: 25/35 A2
Chemistry formula quiz 2: 20/20 A1
Chemistry Pop Quiz 3: 12/15 A1
Biology Pop Quiz: 1/10 F9 =x
Chemistry formula quiz 3: 20/20 A1

i noe laaaaa,
no nid tell me,
my bio sux =x
ss oso -.-
gotta do some sci project thingy.
this project thingy consist of the schs such as riverside sec, catholic high, canberra sec, sembawang sec, hwachong institution, den some girls sch and some other schs laaaaa
i cant possibly remember all ma -.-
see all the gd schs zzzz
hwachong nid 2 ppl to represent their sch nia but our sch hooorrrrrr...lol
yalayala i noe they are smart.
no nid tell me lol.
catholic high presenting tt time in the class they tok so chim nobody understood wad they were saying LOLs.
some catapult thingy o.o
and duno wad thing vary wif the duno wad thing.
chimology lol.
their experiment is focused on physics i guess lol.
the teacher in-charge of them was like soooo ermmm formal lol.
the doc came and saw them and then he went introducing his students to the doc lol.
one is a er aeroplane expert thingy.
the rest i 4got liao lol.
DADDY CALLED ME A LESBIAN T.T(well its kinda true =x)
i wan my mummy touch me nia den he go say like i say as if im a lesbian lol.
just came bak frm camp anyway.
my body aches up down left right siaaa.
though we were not the one running around most of the time.
slept on the cold hard dusty floor for 1 and a half hrs.
den at abt 3.20am we woke up. lol
den at abt 4am we go fall in.
well since we r the one running the camp we have to be responsible enuff to wake up early for briefing and stuff.
me and Jun Kai were the PTIs.
after PT(physical training) we just did some singing thingy o.o
den after tt went for breakfast.
we were like rushing them, shouting at them like mad lol.
they have like no sense of urgency siaaa.
i can admit tt us, as the ppl hu tells them to do things, are hypocrites =x
sooooo indeed we got scoldings here and there by the teacher officers.
but still everything sorta went smoothly lol.
and LiHong, Kenneth, Lawrence and me.
assistant house masters were huiying, some malay boi, reuben and and Tzu Quan
anyways we just became an official house master.
abit shocked tt i joined the 'club' actually lol.
Abdullah and Hanisah were like asking me how i feel bein a house master and Abdullah was like so-call immitating how i reacted when my name was mentioned -.-'' (onli tt how he acted it out was abit exagerrating lol)
and Abdullah laughed at me when i dropped my hp and notebook at the water cooler while filling the bottle up.
i didnt dare to put my valuables on the table wif onli 2 indian men.
dangerous wor lol.
laugh laugh onli noe how to laugh -.-
drinking water oso laugh =/
nvmmmm change topic -.-
i go do some hw thingys ler ba =/
bak to the same boring days